My name is Lionel

Lionel Lim professional optometrist at E Eye PlaceLionel went to optometry school with Stephanie and is qualified to practice optometry overseas. He is the Dispensing Optician in the practice and knows everything frames and lenses. Lionel is also a local University of Western Australia graduate in Corporate Finance.

Lionel excels at making high-quality glasses in-office. When not at the practice, he is the most loving father to a cat and 2 young boys.


University of Western Australia (UWA)

  • Bachelor of Commerce Grade 1 (with invitation for Honors)
  • Majors: Finance (Corporate), Finance (Investment), Marketing

Singapore Polytechnic (SP)

  • Diploma in Optometry
  • Advanced Diploma in Strategic Marketing

Momentum Partners Consulting Challenge’10

Commonwealth Bank Australia (CBA)

  • Leading Lights Award Winner
  • Outstanding Role Model Award’13

Standard Chartered Bank (SCB)

  • Top Financial Consultant’11

Deloitte Dream Team’09

  • 3rd runners up

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