Start the school year with clear vision and confidence. Click here to book an eye test and improve your child’s learning and success.

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Protect Your Eyes During Allergy Seasons!

Few things are worse than itchy, watery eyes. If you struggle with eye allergies, I put together this…

Enter 2024 With a Better Vision!

No one can dispute the importance of good vision, but some are unaware (or too casual) about taking…

Is it Time for an Eye Test? 10 Signs You Should Check Your Child’s Eyesight

Clear eyesight is at the foundation of all our lives, but for children, their vision must be as…

Your End-of-Year Health Fund Guide 2023

As the end of the year approaches quickly, you should dedicate some time to look over your health…

Everything YOU Need to Know Dry Eyes Symptoms and Causes

Your eyes make tears all day, every day. They serve several purposes, like helping flush away dirt or…

The Importance of UV Protection in Eyeglasses and Sunglasses

It is hard to resist a beautiful sunny day with no clouds in the sky. Our human nature…

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